Food Preparation with Toddlers: Deseeding Pomegranates

Toddler holding pomegranate

Pomegranates turn up in our supermarkets in late Autumn and are so inviting to toddlers. Deseeding them makes a wonderful food preparation activity as well as a chance to practice the pincer grasp.

This activity is super easy to set up. All you need is a section of pomegranate, a bowl for the skin and pith, and another for the fruit.

Henry at almost two and a half could pick off the seeds well. He asks for help occasionally to pull off some pith or skin to get at the seeds underneath. We serve the pomegranate seeds for snack time with milk rice, yoghurt, fruit salad, or just as is.

Toddler deseeding pomegranate


  • To cut the pomegranate open cut just to the depth of the skin otherwise you will cut into the seeds and make a huge mess. First take off the top and bottom then cut down the ridges that run down the sides of the fruit and pull each section apart. Like in this Video: